Junior Prom with my Little Sister

I had the chance a few weekends ago to photograph my beautiful 18-year old sister going to her junior prom. Although she was over an hour late, I got a small window of opportunity to photograph Erica & Austin going to their first prom together. I was a happy big sister that day, as my little sister looked like a fairy-tale princess.

I Heart Faces Fix-it-Friday

Over at iheartfaces every Friday is something called Fix-it-Friday. Fix-it-Friday gives us professional and amateur photographers to take someones great photo, in this case Andrea Riley, and make it even greater. Thanks Andrea for letting us use your wonderful capture.  Ok, now for my edit. Enjoy!

| 1 Opened in ACR and made some adjustments

| 2 Duplicated background layer and changed it to Soft Light, masked around the jacket and face area with a low opacity soft brush.

| 3 Ran CoffeeShop Perfect Potriat action and made some adjustments, flatten image

| 4 Saturated her eyes slightly at 50% opacity with sponge tool

| 5 Used the healing brush on the tiny scratch on her nose and the dark circles under her eyes, removed  some of the red cast around lips with a soft light opacity brush

| 6 Sharpened image and masked around her face to keep it soft, flatten image

I Heart Faces - Motherhood Photo Challenge

This week over at I Heart Faces is the motherhood photo challenge, and even though I am not a mother, my little sister is a wonderful mommy. She is also great practice for me! She approached me one summer day last year and wanted to have some pictures taken with her son (my nephew) Tristan. This is one of the pictures I framed for her during the holidays. I just love their faces.

Hope on over to iheartfaces.com to check out the other wonderful entries.
