I Heart Faces Fix-It-Friday #104

Once again it is Fix-It-Friday over at  I Heart Faces community. This week we get to work with a beautiful image from Rachel Durik, Savor Photography. I personally think the orginial image is awesome, but considering this is fix-it-friday, we have to do some sort of editing!  Here are my edits:


Clean Edit

| 1 Made some adjustments in ACR
| 2 Opened in CS4, duplicated layer and changed to Multipy, masked around the subject, flattened image
| 3 Added another layer, soft light, masked the background, flattened image
| 4 Ran the CoffeeShop Perfect Portait action, made adjustments, flattened image

Fun Edit

| 1 I just took my above edit and added a vintage action I found free on the web with a texture

The wonders of post-processing

Now that I am getting more into the "post-processing" part of photography, I am realizing that it really does take a good eye to expose your image straight-out-of-camera or as we call it in the photography world "SOOC". And even though as a professional photographer your goal is to get that perfect exposed image, some of the time it just doesn't happen. This is where post-processing is your friend or for me Camera RAW and Photoshop CS3. 

Here is my SOOC image. Do you see the red tones in the her skin? Yikes!

Here is my post-processing edit. I edited some items in ACR, opened in Photoshop CS3 and added  selective color adjustments, dodged and burned here eyes. And ran the PW action "Fresh & Colorful". Wow, can you see the difference.

Check them out side-by-side:

I Hearts Fix-It-Friday #102

I am excited to be participating in this weeks I Heart Faces Fix-It-Friday #102. Here are my edits for this beautiful image captured by Angie Arthur Photography.

Clean Edit

| 1 Opened in ACR and made some adjustments in the basic, tone curve, detail and HSL/Grayscale tabs.
| 2 Ran CoffeeShop Perfect Potriat action and made some adjustments, flatten image.

Fun Edit

| 1 Opened in ACR and made some adjustments in the basic, tone curve, detail and HSL/Grayscale tabs.
| 2 Ran CoffeeShop Glamour Glow action and made some adjustments, flatten image.

| 3 Added a gradiant adjustment layer (pink and transparent); Overlay and masked around the subject to remove the pick gradient; flatten image.

| 4 Ran CoffeeShop Vintage action and hid quite a few layers and dropped the opacity to 26%; flatten image.

Black and White Edit

| 1 Opened in ACR and made some adjustments in the basic, tone curve, detail and HSL/Grayscale tabs.
| 2 Ran PW Black and white action and made some adjustments, flatten image.

| 3 Added a gradiant adjustment layer (black,brown,cream); Normal opacity at 77%; flatten image.